Heal The Body From Home Using Frequency & Vibrations
Everyone with an Autoimmune Disorder
Or Dealing with Allergies, Food Allergies
Maybe you Have Eczema or Warts or
Maybe you Just Want Your Hair to Grow Back.
We have put together something special: the 1313 hours of research I have done on a non invasive method of healing that can be done on the human anatomy or on animals.
I'd like to share it with you and anyone else who has given up hope of finding a cheap way to heal themselves from the comfort of their own home.
Due to all of the positive things I have heard and seen from around the world and the
fact that it healed or took my symptoms away It left me feeling better than before I had these gut issues.
I hope people can have the success that I and so many others have had, Over 1,000 verified 5-star "testimonials" are public, and I'm sharing them in my research and newsletter for you to hear for yourself. This natural way of healing, I believe, is the way God intended his creation to heal when it breaks down. Another reason I am sharing with you today is because the more people who know about this way of healing, The less likely it is that our government will try to banish it.
The results were incredible. I could write over 50,000 words in regards to this but the easier way would be to, just give you the research notes and audible
files I have on this subject. I put all the information into an eCourse, as it was the most logical way to assemble all of the data I have accumulated while keeping it somewhat organized for all of you.
Bottom line is this, you will have your chance to weigh in,
- But I will not accept any comments unless you have tried it firsthand.
- I explain the discovery and where it originated.
- I include different points of view on the same story about the doctor who discovered this method.
- How he designed a Microscope, with over 3,000 parts he built himself, so that he would be able to observe Pathogens at a cellular state.
- Then he discovered a way to eradicate them from the body.
- He figured a way to bump the toxins from the dead pathogens, out of the body
- You will have an audible of most PDF's that were created
- You will have videos on people using this machine and how to work it
- I have a lesson on each attachment, that can be used for different types of healing or killing of pathogens.
- After I heard from my friend tell his dad's story, I had to do my own research because his story was that, Dad had found a way to not only put himself in remission but the next time he went in for a scan. It came back were; the Doctor's could not find any trace of the prostate cancer he had. Where he was like stage 3 or 4. He did no chemo or radiation. But he did go out and buy this machine and the attachment he used was an internal probe. Which you put up your, "you know what" you then set the gauges to what output you want to endure. He used this for a total of 3-4 weeks. That was it. I don't know if you would say, remission or what. There was no trace.
- I have included a video of testing at a University where this apporatice was under scurtiny again by authorities. There is so much to gain from the knowledge my PDF's include. That it would be not wise to know and have this info. You don't know, the government can sweep in and take everything. If you don't know or have a unit of your own. You would never know.
- Learn the stupid reason why this has been hidden from the mass public's eye and the extent they went to in covering this Genius from ever being discovered.
- Just like Nikola Tesla and what the government did with his ideas, the same fate had been delivered to this Doctor.
Below #1 is a code you scan with your phone and you can receive the 1,313 hours of research free or you can give a $3 Donation as well. This will come via download in an email, where you can decide.
Below #2 is a code you scan with your phone, this is for a $1 Donation that will come out once a month. You will be included in our "monthly newsletter," which discusses the topic at hand and any news regarding this way of healing. These donations are for the people's time and efforts put forth in helping everyone "get their joy back!!