The United States Government and The Depth's of Involvement With Underground Projects...

The United States Government and The Depth's of Involvement With Underground Projects...

Nov 28, 2024

Using the Department of Defense's Budget Plus "Taking the Additional Cash Needed to Complete Whatever Absurd Project's They Do!!

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What Does The Public Think?

In this particular point in time that we are in, "it doesn't seem as though the general public cares what's going on. Sur we have seen a spike in the younger generations involvement in voting.

But this was due to Mr. Donald Trump, back in his first debut as a candidate for the presidential seat. He mad things interesting and confrontational at the same time which in turn intrigued a lot of students as well as seeing actors and actresses stand up and put their 2 sense in. This gave the millennials something to gossip about. Watching the news and suddenly they knew everything, falling into the trap

which was orchestrated by government officials.

This trap was to mislead the general public or the ones who really put their trust into our news media and reiterating what they heard on the television as fact.
The younger generations seem to have issues admitting when they are wrong, which added fuel to the fires.

The Secret Government Projects You Don’t Know About

When it comes to the government, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that the general public doesn’t see. In fact, there are about nine levels of security that go above even the President’s access. This system was designed purposely, and it's where many of the most secretive projects are carried out, including the UFO agenda and underground government operations.

The Hidden Agenda

It’s hard to imagine the underground cities and high-tech rocket-propelled trams running between major U.S. cities are real projects—ones that are being designed and built in secret. This is where a large portion of the United States’ tax revenue is spent, and the public has no idea where the money is really going.
You might be wondering: If the government is collecting so much money from taxpayers, why isn’t it being used for things that actually benefit us, like underground government operations or maintaining the things that keep our towns running smoothly?

The Real Use of Taxpayer Money

Most of the utilities, plumbing, and electrical systems in the United States are nearly 100 years old. They need to be replaced, but the government hasn’t set aside any funds for these repairs. Instead, much of the money collected in taxes has been funneled into projects that most people would never agree to if they knew about them.

For example, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has spent billions of dollars building brand-new FEMA camps—also referred to as "concentration camps"—outside every major city. These facilities are already built and just sitting there, vacant, waiting for a major disaster that hasn’t yet occurred.

A Missed Opportunity

The government’s spending priorities are raising serious questions. Instead of using taxpayer money for public needs like road repairs, schools, and hospitals, it’s being used on secretive operations and facilities that most people would find troubling. The truth is, we’re all paying for things we may never even hear about, let alone see.
As more problems arise from aging infrastructure, the need for transparency and responsible spending has never been greater. The question remains: Will the government ever start putting our money where it belongs, or will secret projects continue to take priority over the needs of the people?

Respectfully, Author GoldWiz

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